Wolves of Rome Testers Tournament

November 18, 2022

The Wolves of Rome Tester Tournament is our first community event for the Wolves of Rome Alpha Testers.
It will be a competitive esports event that will allow us to test the latest animated version of our alpha prototype, collect feedback, game-balance, and have loads of fun while doing it!

It also is an opportunity to show the Cardano Community the game we are building and give us a chance to reward avid testers of the game through good old knockout competition!

Who can compete?

Any Holder of an Empires NFT (Empire Wolves or Empire Liches) who has signed up for testing may apply to enter the Testers Tournament.

Mint an Empire Lich here: https://www.wolvesofrome.io/empires-nft-drops/

Sign up to become a tester in our discord: https://discord.com/invite/wolvesofrome-tcg

There are a limited number of competitors that will be able to compete in the knockout phases of the Tournament. There will be a qualifier period where tester activity, games played over the qualifying period, feedback quality, and holder status will be taken into consideration in order for the WOR team to select the 16 Testers to compete and an additional 5 reserves.

Applicants will need to download the new game build (released 2022/11/17) install, sign up and complete at least one game.

If you don’t make it to the selected 21 players – don’t stress. This is our first tournament to test the waters, they are only going to get bigger and better from here.

Matches Format:

Round 1 & 2: Players will create 3 decks to use in the tournament – each with a different commander. Each player will be able to ‘ban’ one of their opponent’s decks/commanders and they will be left with the choice of the remaining two to use in their game.

Applications/Qualifying period ends on 23 Nov

R1 Pairing announcements 24 Nov

Round 1 | 25-27 Nov
16 Players | 8 matches (Single match knockout) with weekly summary videos

Round 2 | 2-4 Dec

8 players | 4 matches (Single match knockout)  with weekly summary videos 

Semis & Finals: Players will create 3 decks to use – each with a different commander. Each player will be able to ‘ban’ one of their opponent’s decks/commanders for the first game in the best of 3 sets and they will be left with the choice of the remaining two to use in their first game.
That ban only stands for the first game. Any player that wins a game cannot use that winning deck in the next game of the match.

Semi-Finals | 9 December

4 players | 2 matches (best of 3 games) – live stream

Finals | 16 December

2 players (best of 3 games) – live stream 

Live Streamed finals you say?

The Semifinals and finals of this tournament will be live-streamed by multiple community-loved content creators:

Official Tournament streams:

Cardano Thor 

featuring WOR team commentator panelists (Kyle & Steven)

Blake CNFT

Freedom 35ers


Kryptman – ‘Play by Play’ match reviews and commentary with the WOR Team

What are the prizes and who are the sponsors?

Headline Sponsors: (so far..)
Wolves of Rome

Project Sponsors (so far..)
Occult Archives
ADA Ninjaz
X Race
Cosmic Cuties
Yolo Solos
Keyboard Warriors
Phoenix Arena
Eden’s Seven
ADA Army
Pepper Mint

..and more TBC!

You can see the prize pool live as prizes are added: $worprizes

Apply to take part in this Tournament by joining our discord!

View Tournament progress here